
About A Mahjong Solitaire


A Mahjong Solitaire game for Halloween. Pair together two identical free tiles. A free tile has at least one free side and is not covered (left or right).

Many of Halloween's origins and customs are thought to have their roots in the Celtic Samhain holiday, which is pronounced "sow-in" in old Gaelic. The four seasonal holidays of Gaelic culture are Samhain, Bealtaine, Imbolc, and Lughnasadh. Samhain was observed by the Celts as the end of the harvest and the beginning of winter. Samhain's celebration of the changing of the seasons was also thought to be a time when favorable crossings between the lines separating this world and the otherworld existed. It was thought that the boundary between these two worlds was blurred, allowing the spirits of the dead to move freely between them.

Samhain festivities featured food and drink offerings to the dead, feasts, costumes (also known as mumming and guising), singing or reciting poetry door to door in exchange for food, and sacred bonfires.

However, some historians think that Halloween's origins are separate from Samhain and other seasonal harvest festivities and come from a Christian event.